Ah , yes!
College University! possibly the greatest series! How can I hate this? You deserve a 20! Great short!
Ah , yes!
College University! possibly the greatest series! How can I hate this? You deserve a 20! Great short!
No freakin way! That was the most awesome FLASH MOVIE EVER! PEEING TURTLES! HOLY SHIT DUDE! WATCH THIS! Every other Flash movie can kiss this flash movies ultra mega ass! THIS ROCKS!
Thanks....a lot.
Pretty good.
Very nice Flash. So I'll look for episode 2! :)
Very nicly done!
Very good movie. Although toads voice is anoying. It was a bit to loud. The Clay animation was great! Cant wait for episode 2!
Thanks, bout time i got a positive review. lol. episode 2 is bout halfway done. its better than ep 1
THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got to get me one of those DVDs! Great movie!
Well I half to say thats better than most crap submited lately! Great job I loved it! You should really make THE RATER 2005! But heres what I didnt quite get. Some of your voices sounded as if you were 11? WTF? Other than that great movie!
Second one and its still as good as the 1st one! So I guess that awnsers my question. It will be a series I guess. That was funny keep it up!
Heh heh!
Hey thats really funny! ^^
Keep it up! But my main question is , Will this be a series?! Hope so!
Very funny!
I thought the graphics on the MAC were really good! Excelent work! And "WOOT!!! ALL MY 5 R BELONG TO THIS!"! heh heh. Good movie.
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